All members of Surf Life Saving Australia(SLSA) are required to have an account through the SLSA Members Portal. The portal enables members to update their personal details, renew memberships, pay fees, apply for transfers, change passwords and where appropriate monitor patrol hours and awards. Members accounts for individuals or Family Groups are created online. The creation of Family groups allow family changes in one transaction.
New members – click here if you have NEVER been part of a surf life saving club before
Please ensure you create a members account when you are joining, this makes accessing courses, resources and information from SLS possible. It also enables you to renew membership and update your details easily.
Renew individual BBSLSC membership click here
This will take you to the members portal – if you have not made an account before it is time to do so. If you have forgotten your username or password please follow the instructions at this link to reset.
Renew family group BBSLSC membership click here
A family group makes the joining process each year efficient. If you have not set up a Family Group please do so following this link and select Create Family Group. Administration/Registrar will approve your family group within 2 days and then you can join for the whole family for the season in less that two minutes. For more information on creating a Family please refer to the SLSA User Guides. By creating a Family Group the family can transfer in one transaction. This also eliminates the need for every member of the family to have their own Members Area account.
Transfer to BBSLSC from another SLS club
All transfers must be done online through the SLSA Members Area and all members of BBSLSC are required to have an online account at the members Area. Families transferring into BBSLSC are encouraged to create a Family Group before transferring. Information on creating a Family refer to the SLSA User Guides. By creating a Family Group the family can transfer in one transaction. This also eliminates the need for every member of the family to have their own Members Area account.