SLS Education Courses
Attend nippers weekly to receive relevant surf safety and education awards
Emergency Care awards enable patrolling members to perform first responder roles on patrols such as First Aid Officer and Advanced Resuscitation Operator. It’s a great pathway for members who want to stay dry on the beach while also being part of a patrol team.
- Resuscitation (HLTAID009)
- First Aid (HLTAID011, HLTAID010, HLTAID009)
- Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (HLTAID015)
Aquatic Rescue awards enable patrolling members to perform roles on patrols such as water safety personnel, lifesaver and advanced lifesaver.
- Surf Rescue Certificate (PUAOPE013, PUASAR012, PUASAR013, HLTAID009)
- Bronze Medallion [PUA20119 Certificate II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)]
- Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue
- Gold Medallion
Powercraft awards enable patrolling members to perform in roles such as IRB Crewperson, IRB Driver, RWC Operator and UAV Pilot to assist with lifesaving, water safety and search and rescue operations.
- Inflatable Rescue Boat Crewperson (PUASAR015)
- Silver Medallion Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver (PUAEQ001, PUASAR014)
- Rescue Water Craft Operator (PUAEQ001, PUASAR016)
- Side-by-Side Vehicle Operator Induction
- SLSNSW Volunteer UAV Pilot Operator Induction Program
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Beach Management awards enable patrolling members to perform patrol team leadership and emergency management support roles, such as radio operator, vice patrol captain and patrol captain. It’s a great pathway for members who want to stay dry on the beach while supporting their patrol team members.
- Radio Operator Certificate (PUAOPE013)
- Silver Medallion Patrol Captain
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Training and education awards and qualifications enable patrolling members to professionally train or assess nationally recognised units of competency and Surf Life Saving awards, or the SLSA Junior Development Program in NSW.
- Age Manager
- SLSNSW Training Officer Certificate (BSBCMM411, TAEDEL301)
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